Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Leather face + Fashion

 Leather Faces  > Inspired by fashion​ 
>Iggy is not only an painter he is a designer .
Leather faces. is a combination of father and Son. leather faces began when i took one of my fathers leather sculptures and began designing hand bags as we created more and  more handbags i began to learn the art of sculpting leather and in the year 2011 we created  leather faces one of a kind leather sculpture handbags
the leather handbags have an urban essence to them  , blending , contrasting, asymmetrical cuts, different materials and expressing a modern approach to art & fashion . iggys creations are inspired by everyday life, love and hate, joy and suffering etc. He has taken  leather sculptures to a whole new level by making them into  handbags which call the attention of all those who see these works of art in movement. One of iggys dream is to create works of art that inspire the fashion  & art industry to innovate and create a new era of

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Turn your art into canvas prints

turn your art into canvas prints is pretty exciting specially when people star asking for your work and this is a perfect way to deliver ........ cool!

tips for artist and life

IGGY.ology - tips for artist and life "Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow."   words fitting for a artist .... and and on that NOTE >>>> think about this Experience means nothing . Accomplishments are everything.  You have "10 years in the in doing something ." Whoopee. I don't care how long you've been doing what you do. Years of doing indicate nothing; you could be the worst at what you - in the world.

as an artist I care about what you've done how youve evolved in style and your determination to make your dreams a reality : how art or risks projects or business have  created, how many products have you designed, , how many people have seen your art  etc ... all that matters is what you've done.

Successful people don't need to describe themselves using Crazy Freaking  adjectives like passionate, innovative, driven, etc. They can just describe, hopefully in a humble way, what they've done and let their work speak for

Saturday, July 14, 2012

The fashion artist iggy strikes again!home/mainPage
lets learn a little bit about Jesse Tattoo , A fictional character in iggy s artwork. Jesse Tattoo is a  19 year old girl that stumbled upon the fashion world  , she likes to pick fights and doesn't take shit from anybody, its her way or the highway  

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Creating a (start-up ) Art-up culture

Some days, I genuinely wonder why I put myself through this torture of being an  artrepreneur , and then I tell myself that in order to be happy, my road to self-actualization involves creating legacy, and the path to impact is tortuous. The truth is that its what makes me happy i might not be the most wealthiest artist or business owner but my time will come , you see unhappy people are less creative, productive and more likely to be unlucky. I frequently ask people to share with me the first image that comes to mind when I say "happy moment." This could be reading a book in a coffee shop(my favorite starbucks), a good conversation with a close friend or a challenging run at the gym or whatever . I then ask the question: "How many times per week do you have happy moments?" MAN!  I am shocked to hear that more often than not, people tell me they can't remember the last time they had one of those! WTF i have happy moments  all the time !  I believe----that successful art-ups  or start-ups have happy people, which is a requirement for happy customers . Creating a Art -up (start-up ) culture in which happiness is a core value is very important IT IS THE MOST FREAKIN IMPORTANT PART!  being happy . What's the worst that could happen, anyway? You might fail to launch a product, nobody like your new artwork, you get no hits on your website etc.  but you will still walk away with happiness--it's not so scary after all.

Take the risk- accept your failures- learn from the experience and start all over till YA! make it!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

about me -iggy

Iggy  is a Colombian American artist  recognized for working in a wide  spectrum of creative medium including murals, paintings ,sculptures ,design and fashion .   His art is a mixture of Figurative Urban pop Expressionism, He applies what he calls The American line to his art which are large silhouettes whose contours are in black and surround his imagery , combined  with wooden textures, balance of color and a unique composition. Iggy’s artwork is inspired by fashion and this has lead him to create a graphic language  that continually evolves in all applications of his art.  raised in New York under the influence pop culture  iggy’s experiences  set the  groundwork for his professional career as an artist.   Iggy’s formal arts training began at International Fine Arts college  in Miami and further culminated his talents during his street hustle which he called “ The Moving Gallery  “where he would exhibit his artwork on wheels  all around   Miami , Orlando and New York .

He’s since participated in solo and group exhibitions at alternative art spaces, bars, festivals and restaurants  also he has managed  his very own art gallery and graphic design studio , where he was commissioned by gary carolla producer of  SONY music to design artist CD covers . He continues to create new ways to surprise himself and the adventure of this thing called art.

Iggy es un artista colombiano estadounidense reconocido por trabajar en un amplio espectro de medio creativo incluso murales, pinturas, esculturas, diseño y moda. Su arte es una mezcla de expresionismo figurativo pop urbano, El aplica lo que él llama La línea Américana a su arte, que son grandes siluetas cuyos contornos son de color negro que  rodean sus imágenes, combinadas con texturas de madera,  equilibrio de color y una composición única. El arte de Iggy  está inspirado por la moda y esto lo ha llevado a crear un lenguaje gráfico que evoluciona continuamente en todas las aplicaciones de su arte.
​Se crió en Nueva York, bajo la influencia de la cultura pop experiencias que crearon   las bases para su carrera profesional como artista Estudios formales  de Iggy  comienzan en  International Fine Arts College en Miami y además culminó su talento durante su ajetreo calle que se llama "La Galería en Movimiento", donde se exhibieron sus obras de arte sobre ruedas en todo Miami, Orlando y Nueva York.

Ha participado desde entonces en exposiciones individuales y colectivas en espacios de arte alternativos, bares, festivales y restaurantes, también ha logrado tener su galería de arte propia y estudio de diseño gráfico, donde fue encargado por el productor Gary Carolla de Sony Music para diseñar portadas de CDs de artistas. Él sigue creando nuevas formas de sorprender a sí mismo y continua la aventura de esta cosa llamada arte.


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

iggy.ology el estudio de iggy. este estudio empieza atraves del arte y la creatividad y cosas que yo iggy pienso espero que les guste lo apliquen y sigan viniendo

Saturday, January 14, 2012

YOU DON’T NEED TO BE PERFECT . (or to do pretty much anything.)

What I’ve discovered is that this “thinking everything needs to be perfect before you start” concept, is really just a MASK for someone’s fear. Thats why art is so perfect cuz the important thing is to start.........

It’s really just a mask for their fear of failure, fear of inadequacy, fear of putting themselves out there, fear of what others will think of them. FEAR.

So… in essence it’s complete B.S. When you think like this, you don’t really care that it’s “perfect”, you’re just coming up with an excuse for why you don’t need to face your fear.

Think about that. It’s life changing.

Because if you really want to move forward fast… you will go INTO your resistance. If you find something challenges you… you go INTO it. Not the opposite like most people, who run away.

If you’re afraid to get started because you feel “you don’t know enough yet”… that’s an EXACT sign you should go get started. It’s an exact sign you should go get started RIGHT NOW & just take some action.

I don’t care what it is… calling prospects, putting up ads, making videos, writing blog posts, 3-way calling…

… if you feel you aren’t “ready” to get started, that is the EXACT sign you need to get started right now.